Food Trucks

Friday, May 13th 5:30 to 7:30pm 314 Pie (Australian Savory Pies) TBD Victory Heights Park

Community Meeting (May) 7pm

Virtual Event

Monday, May 16th 7pm Zoom link: Guest speaker:  Renee Barton, Thornton Creek grant

Northgate Clean-up

Goal:  Expand the sidewalk on the North and South sides of NE Northgate Way between Roosevelt Way and Lake City Way by picking up litter and removing weeds/leaves. Saturday, May 21st […]

Food Truck Friday

Victory Heights Park (19th Ave E) 10550 19th Ave NE, Seattle, WA

Food trucks Sam Choy's Poke to the Max Tacos El Guero

Food Truck Friday

Victory Heights Park (19th Ave E) 10550 19th Ave NE, Seattle, WA

Food trucks Georgia's Tamale My Life

Food Truck Friday

Victory Heights Park (19th Ave E) 10550 19th Ave NE, Seattle, WA

Food Trucks Anthony's "Finn" Kathmandu MoMoCha

June Teen Feed

Amber/Jerry's house 2005 NE 105th St , Seattle, WA

TeenFeed Our community provides a hot, nutritious meal to homeless teens in the University District. The menu is fairly consistent with some seasonal variation. You cook - we deliver. Learn […]

Food Truck Friday

Victory Heights Park (19th Ave E) 10550 19th Ave NE, Seattle, WA

Join us for three tasty trucks! Theo's Gyros Yummy Catch Dreamy Drinks

Emergency Hub Drill!

Victory Heights Tennis Court 1737 NE 106th St, Seattle, WA

Learn how Victory Heights would respond after a large earthquake. Saturday, April 30th 10am to 1pm Victory Heights tennis court - Gather with neighbors (outdoors) and work toward a common […]

Community Meeting (June)

Virtual Event

Monday, June 20th 7pm Zoom link: Guest speaker: TBD

Food Truck Friday!

Victory Heights Playground 1737 NE 106th St, Seattle, WA, United States

Food Trucks Sam Choy's Poke to the Max Kathmandu MoMoCha Tamale My Life

Food Truck Friday!

Victory Heights Playground 1737 NE 106th St, Seattle, WA, United States

Food Trucks: Tacos el Güero 314 Pie