Victory Heights Virtually Gathers

Virtual Event

Featuring guest speaker Shayna Daitch from Senator Patty Murray's office. Monthly Community Meeting: 3rd Tuesday @ 7 p.m. Attend via Zoom or by phone from the comfort of your home! Guest […]

Victory Heights Virtually Gathers

Featuring guest speaker Kyle Boyd from the Kraken Community Iceplex. Monthly Community Meeting: 3rd Monday @ 7 p.m. Attend via Zoom or by phone from the comfort of your home! Guest […]

April TeenFeed

TeenFeed at 5pm. Help us feed 55 homeless teens in the University District. Details and signup here...

Community Meeting (April) 7pm

Virtual Event

Monday, April 18 - 7pm Zoom link:   Agenda for April: Redistricting Conversation with Elsa Batres-Boni, Civic Engagement Strategic Advisor 20 min Disaster Committee - Emergency Hub Drill   5 […]

Food Truck Friday

Victory Heights Park (19th Ave E) 10550 19th Ave NE, Seattle, WA

More details coming soon!

TeenFeed May

Amber/Jerry's house 2005 NE 105th St , Seattle, WA

TeenFeed provides a nutritious, hot meal to 65 homeless teens every day of the year.  Our community is committed to providing ONE MEAL A MONTH. Please join the effort.  SignUp here... […]

Food Trucks

Friday, May 13th 5:30 to 7:30pm 314 Pie (Australian Savory Pies) TBD Victory Heights Park

Community Meeting (May) 7pm

Virtual Event

Monday, May 16th 7pm Zoom link: Guest speaker:  Renee Barton, Thornton Creek grant

Northgate Clean-up

Goal:  Expand the sidewalk on the North and South sides of NE Northgate Way between Roosevelt Way and Lake City Way by picking up litter and removing weeds/leaves. Saturday, May 21st […]

Food Truck Friday

Victory Heights Park (19th Ave E) 10550 19th Ave NE, Seattle, WA

Food trucks Sam Choy's Poke to the Max Tacos El Guero