TeenFeed Our community provides a hot, nutritious meal to homeless teens in the University District. The menu is fairly consistent with some seasonal variation. You cook - we deliver. Learn more here...  https://signup.com/go/UWJHVee Questions? Reach out at VH.TeenFeed@gmail.com
Let’s widen the Northgate Way sidewalks starting at 15th Ave and working our way toward Lake City Way.  We need EVERYONE’s help.  Many hands make light work!    Saturday, July 16th    9am to Noon    Corner of 19th Ave and Northgate Way Please bring tools, gloves, and a water bottle. We’ll provide […]
Join us for our 6th Annual (except for 2020/21) gathering! Show off those mad cooking skills gained during the past several years! Bring a Dish to Share and a Chair. We provide plates, cups, silverware, and ice cream!